APS: Y3 Bus Cable - 4 M - 12 AWG

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Product Description

APsystems 4-Meter Y3 AC Bus Trunk Cable connects the microinverters in a branch into a single output. Use it with YC600Y and QS1 microinverters.

The Y3 Bus Cable is a continuous length of insulated and UV resistant 2.5mm2 12AWG cable. Every 4 meters, the cable features a pre-assembled connector plug for one microinverter.

When you are planning your layout, consider one connector for every microinverter. That is equivalent to every 2 solar panels when using the YC600Y inverters and every 4 panels when working with the QS1 units. Use the Y-CONN cap (sold separately) to seal any unused connectors.

Cable gauge: 12AWG
Cable diameter: 2.5mm
Maximum current: 20A
YC-4M length: 4 meters (recommended for YC600Y and QS1 )
3 internal wires including ground
Cable type: U-1000-RO2V (TC-ER)
CSA / TUV certified


1 Connector included

Features & Attributes


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